Empowering Women to Grow in Intimacy with God, Embrace Identity, and Walk in Kingdom Inheritance.
At Uncommon Daughters, we are dedicated to fostering deep intimacy with God through genuine connection, embracing our divine identity as royalty in His kingdom, and understanding our prophetic inheritance.
Through intensive prayer, training, and mentorship, we empower women to realize their unique roles and confidently step into their God-given authority, leaving a lasting legacy of faith and transformation for future generations.
Letter From Pascale
Hi Daughters,
Welcome to our home! Here at Uncommon Daughters, we celebrate being unique and living authentically as extensions of God on the earth through faith and love.
Being uncommon means embracing your God-given uniqueness and understanding that you have a specific role and purpose in His plan. No one can replace you or fulfill the purpose that only you can achieve. Through our differences, we make a significant impact, reflect the diversity of God's creation, and truly shine in our divine calling.
The enemy often tries to distort our image, attacking our self-view from a young age. Many of us have faced bullying or felt inadequate due to our appearance or other traits. However, rejecting ourselves means rejecting God's design. Instead, we must embrace our true worth, which lies not in others' opinions but in God's unconditional love for us.
God, the potter, created each of us with intentionality and purpose. Our identity is seen through His eyes, and if the enemy can distort our self-view, he keeps us confused about who we are. But we are not alone; God knows us deeply and intimately.
Maybe your path has been uncommon, feeling abandoned, forgotten, or out of place. Remember, these feelings are lies meant to keep you bound. God knows you by name and loves you deeply. We all have a bit of the uncommon in us, and together, we share a collective story of being chosen and called by God.
1 Peter 2:9 says:
"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a consecrated nation, a [special] people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies [the wonderful deeds and virtues and perfections] of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light."
You are uncommon because God has chosen and called you. He pulled you out of darkness to reflect His light to the world. You were chosen to stand out! Despite your circumstances, despite where you’re from, despite’s your weaknesses God has chosen you.
As believers, we are meant to shine for God. Our kindness, boldness, love for others, and living out our faith should make us stand out. The moment God breathed His spirit into us, we became extraordinary, for there is nothing ordinary about God. As His daughters, we must reflect our mighty Father.
Welcome to Uncommon Daughters, where we embrace our unique identities and walk in our divine purpose together.
Pascale Johnson
Founder, Uncommon Daughters
Building Community & Sisterhood
"All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts." (Acts 2:44-46)